New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

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Re: New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

Post by Turbomatthy »

Hi, ich werde in englischen Foren auch auf Deutsch empfangen.
Viel Spass und "Welcome" :ja:

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Re: New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

Post by _Billy_ »

Toto wrote:Hi.

You know you are in Germany? This is the land of "legality" and "insurances". So, it's your risk. I've moved to another city and the biggest mistake I've made is to re-register my daily driver there. I should have left it as it was. I spent some money, a lot of time and lost my favourite plate number. But nothing changed. This expirence is the base to keep my SX registered where it was before. And there are some people going with cars registered in Poland because it's chaper. So it's up to you!

If you've chosen your insurance company and you've subscribed for your car, you can have a kind of pre-insurance. It's not free, but it's very common to make it free for future customer, so he can move his car using this temporary-insurance "Deckungskarte". Then you can make you a temporary plate "Tageskennzeichen"/"Überführungskennzeichen" for some few days and with this you can move your car.

But be aware. TÜV is not for you, it's for the better world and worldpeace. They are like Greenpeace. Everybody is happy to have them but trying to change their mind is ... time wasting ... expensive ... stressful ... but you can also have luck. Everything being modified is questioned and in first step withdrawn as long as you've prooved not to change the car's safety, emissions and limits. You need an ABE "Arbeits Betriebs Erlaubnis" for all parts. This is something the maker or reseller needs to give you, where this particular part was tested by TÜV and approved to fit the car and doing no harm to this tiny, cute German society. And to make an ABE is of course not free. So it depends on the ammount of parts to get sold for this car (and there are just few S14 and some more S13 in Germany). Another possibility is to make a "Einzelabnahme". It's a kind of an ABE for the whole car and not for every part. But it costs as well and averything has to fit the car as the government wishes. And if you have more power it needs to be secured by having modified your suspension and brakes ... and of course you are responsible to let your insurance know so they can ask you for more money. And all changes on BOV, cataclyc converters and exhaust or FMIC means higher emissions and results in higher taxes maybe. Money and time ... wasted. So being fully legal starts to come out of fashon in Germany because the life is to short and the wages to low. But it's up to you and it's just my opinion. It would be nice to hear some optional suggestions here by all the guys being more familiar with TÜV.

From your point of view, only "Voll-Kasko" pays everything. "Teil-Kasko" pays glass parts and "everything" when stolen. But the others get always paid.



My plan at the moment is to get Import Insurance from ADAC (€105 for 29 days to allow me to drive S14a from UK to DE through NL), and then to take it to one of two Japanese Import specialist garages I have contacted who both offer to tüv with all the tuning parts,providing german papers,HU,ASU and all the tuning parts in it. The cost of this is obviously over €1000. :(

For this cost, I would get...
- The HU (Hauptuntersuchung) i.e. like MOT in UK ?
- The ASU (Abgasuntersuchung) is exhaust smoke control /emissions test - so I suspect I should put the original catalytic converter back in (rather than a "sports cat" which passes UK emissions test)
- The Tüv Vollabnahme i.e. German Papers

Back to insurance, so "Teil-Kasko" does not cover ME for damage in an accident no? :|

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Re: New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

Post by Toto »

Hmm. Nice plan ... very German-like.

No. Just "voll-kasko".

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Re: New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

Post by DieZahnfee »

_Billy_ wrote:
Back to insurance, so "Teil-Kasko" does not cover ME for damage in an accident no? :|
So it`s the reason for that huge pay-gap!

-Haftpflicht: pays for all the damages on all other things
-Teilkasko: wild animal damages, broken glasses,... if the damage is not your fault
-Vollkasko: ...pedal to the metal², it covers every damage...if your are not drunken,...

Edit: @2012 we`ll organise our next
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Re: New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

Post by _Billy_ »

DieZahnfee wrote:
_Billy_ wrote:
Back to insurance, so "Teil-Kasko" does not cover ME for damage in an accident no? :|
So it`s the reason for that huge pay-gap!

-Haftpflicht: pays for all the damages on all other things
-Teilkasko: wild animal damages, broken glasses,... if the damage is not your fault
-Vollkasko: ...pedal to the metal², it covers every damage...if your are not drunken,...
Thanks again to all for the further advice - it would be good then for me to try to get quotes for both Teilkasko & Vollkasko to decide - I suspect getting seperate quotes for each could be difficult :/

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Re: New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

Post by Toto »

So. Let's try ...

1. go to
2. in lower left corner (where the car is) push "Angebot berechnen" -> application opens
3. the ask you if you change (up) or insure new car (down). Chosse lower one and put in the date of beginnig of the insurance. Then push "weiter" in lower right corner
4. Then choose "Erstvertrag" (first subsription), select "männlich" (you are male? ... and the wheel of fortune starts to spin with every next input you do ... ) and type in your date of birthday. Finally push "Weiter"
5. Here you select "mittels .... Kfz-Schein" and type 7105 (Hersteller...) and 459 (Typeschlüssel...) for S13 or 303 for S14. Slect the month and year of first ever registration of your car in "Erstzulassung". Then mark "eigenfinanziert" (finished paid by yourself) and select "Versicherungsnehmer" at "Fahrzeughalter" (you own the car and you insure it). Then again the month and year of registration of the car (the day you get your german licence plate). At least your zip code at "Postleitzahl". Then "Weiter". (Yes, everything counts. Time, sex, financial situation, car data and the region you live ... just to make a perfect German insurance especially for you!!)
6. You wish season limited licence plate (e.g. March to October) then mark "ja" and select the time period. Then type in the estimated tousands of kilometers you want to go with the car every year (+/-3000). Oh boy ... select the place you store your car usually (from top: locked one car garage, locked two car garage, reserved place in closed parking lot, carport, private parking place, no specified place). Then select your real estate ... from top (no, one or two family house with box if already insured by HUK-COBURG, the same for three and more family house and finally a flat/condominum). Then select how you use your car (first one is privatly includes driving to work). Then mark who is driving with your car (from top: you, wife, a member living in your home, your child, other person) and at least select if all the possible drivers are above 25 years old. Push "Weiter"
7. Select "Nicht öffentlicher Dienst" (not gorverment related emloyment) and your proffession (from top: emploee, ingeneur emploee, worker, governmentemploee, judge, freelancer, unemploeed). And "Weiter".
8. Who you are working for ... select "Sonstige Einrichungen und Unternehmen" (other company) and "Sonstige Arbeitgeber/Berufsgruppen" (other professions). Push "Weiter".
9. The interessting part. Select "Kfz-Hatpflicht mit den Mindestversicherungssummen" (what do you need all the other shit till 100 Mio. € in Germany for?). Then choose "Vollkasko" or "Teilkasko" with the mony you want to pay by your own if the insurance is involved (if you choose Vollkasko, you need to specify the included Teilkasko ... otherwise select "keine ..." for none). The SELECT thing means, you get 20% off if the can choose the repairing garage for you. Kasko PLUS (don't care it's just the first try). Skip all the other shit as well (you are in the land of insurances, so you can do it for everything depending just on the money you want to thow off the window). The last thin ask you, if you want to shift the safty discount from another person to you (if your dad is German or so). Push "Weiter".
10. Now it gets tricky. SF is the safty class. The higher the better. When years go by and you have no accidents this safty class rises and you get an discount for your insurance. In the first question they ask you, if your partner has an insurance where "Haftpflicht" is at least SF1 or 2. Just select "Nein" for both. And finally type in the date youve received your drivers licence.
11. Tatata!!

I should get royalties for this shit. I hate insurances ... now i need a beer.

Have fun.


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Re: New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

Post by _Billy_ »

Mathew - Sie sind eine Legende !!!

However, I am afraid I only got to step 5 - having entered "7105" for Nissan, and "303" for S14a etc, I got ...
Leider konnten wir anhand Ihrer Angaben kein Fahrzeug ermitteln. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Angaben oder benutzen Sie die Fahrzeugsuche.

Wenn Ihnen die Schlüsselnummern nicht vorliegen, nutzen Sie bitte unsere Fahrzeugsuche.
Is the system so clever, it looks for a "7105" / "303" registered in the month I said - surely not !?! :?:

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Re: New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

Post by Philmop »

Welcome. I come from Bonn/Plittersdorf and the Angelus comes also from Bonn.
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Re: New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

Post by _Billy_ »

Philmop wrote:Welcome. I come from Bonn/Plittersdorf and the Angelus comes also from Bonn.
Hallo Philipp,

Would be good to meet for quick drink some time - yes, I have already "met" Angelus - I first found him on my UK SXOC some months ago and asked him for his advice also. :)

I'm planning on heading down to ADAC just now (before they close at 2pm) to try to sort the Import Insurance with them...

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Re: New member...just moved to Bonn from Scotland

Post by Philmop »

At the moment i side on the airport. But next week we can.
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